Thursday, April 30, 2015

Menu of Life- You Get Back What You Dish Out

“Honor thy mother and father, that thy days be long upon this earth”

When my mom would recite this scripture, I thought one day God would strike me dead with a lightning bolt any moment of rebelling against her.
 I imagined that God had a quota of how many times children were allowed to back talk. So if my limit was 100 remarks, and I made it to 101, I needed to seek shelter immediately!

Experience has taught me that I had a very silly understanding.

 In fact, the manner in which I treat my parent is equal to the manner I would treat anyone. If I disrespect the one who is responsible for major things like  bringing me into this world and raising me, then you will not find a friend in me. At least a good friend.

My Moral Compass
I believe it's more than the smart remarks, or the eye-rolls that I did. Even thinking the wrong thought about my parents needed to be re-directed because eventually, our thoughts graduate to actions.

If I think It’s really OK to say horrible things to my mother or father just for the sake of “getting this off my chest,” how could I honor any friendship or a relationship?

If I am not careful with my thoughts about my parents, then how can I be careful with anyone else? I wouldn’t get too far in life. Especially not for a lasting and prosperous relationship.

Lesson- Our parents are people just like us and  if we are blessed with children, we would come to understand exactly what it feels like...

Surely man is ungrateful
In the Bible and Holy Quran, there are many statements about humans being ungrateful. It took me a long time to understand that we behave just like the people in our scriptures. Human pattern of behavior is no different no matter if it's 100B.C or 2015...
For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy. 2 Timothy 3:2
Disobedient to parents!!??? Why would you say that Timothy??

Why are the ones who love you the most are the ones you hurt the worse?

As a result of having this disposition toward my parents, I will not be grateful for anything or anyone.
I used to think: "Well this is my parent, this is what they're supposed to do..." Where's the gratitude in that?"
These wrong ideas strip away the humility from our hearts stitch by stitch.
Humble: Having or showing a modest or low estimate of ones own importance. Not proud or arrogant.

Am I someone who people love to be around?

If I am not humble, I can potentially be a trouble-source in every relationship and not even know it.

My average relationship will last no more than a year, after the person discovers how selfish I am. OR I will start to draw people around me who behaves exactly like myself.

I will constantly be in need and not willing to give anything.

I will have shallow relationships

Then life will be in this constant cycle of trial after trial, because of me.

It’ll show up at the workplace and everywhere I turn.

I will blame other people for my behavior and never be able to look at myself in the mirror.
Honor thy mother and father, that thy days be long upon this earth..
Started From the Cradle

I will never forget . One day when I was 6 years old, I said something mean to my mother and she bust open the door and showed me this huge scar on her stomach.

 “This is what I went through for you.. Do you see this scar?”

“Yes, maam” I said. It was the scar from her Cesarean section.

“I brought you into this world and you will not disrespect me because I am your mother!”

22 years later I understand why she did that. How ungrateful for me to ever forget where I came from.

When I couldn’t clothe myself, bathe myself, feed myself, or change my own diaper.

How soon do we forget who was there for us when we were nothing?

How could I be this ungrateful and expect to be successful in my relationships?

Ungrateful: forgetfulness of or poor return for kindness received

How kind is it to have someone carry us in their wombs for 9 months and deliver us to life?


 I will get everything back that I put out, if I don’t change. Because it’s not OK to treat people any kind of way and expect to want a good life.

Honor thy mother and father that thy days be long upon this earth.

Honor: A feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious etc. and should be treated in an appropriate way.

Lessons learned while living and learning :)
