Friday, May 1, 2015

How to Compare Yourself to Other People

Everyone does it in some way.

We see celebrities, married couples, weight loss successes, business owners, spiritual leaders and more.

It looks so good that we would like to adopt their lifestyle in that very moment.

But are we willing to go through the steps it took for them to get to those positions?

I know it’s cliché…

Comparing our "Behind the Scenes" to Everyone Else's "Highlight Reel"

Can we handle the trials our inspirations had to go through to maintain their lifestyle  that we admire?

Maintain- To keep in good condition by making repairs, correcting problems, etc.

The secret of all the things we see are the things we never see.

Take weight-loss for instance- Everyone wants to lose weight, but are we willing to give up the foods that we love? Are we willing to extend ourselves in exercise to get to our goal weight?

Or if we lived in a fantasy world, and so happen to wake up one morning at our ideal weight, how long can we maintain and keep that weight? Will we take care of ourselves or slip back into our old habits?

Searching for a "Real" Love
How about this “perfect” companion that we all desire? We see couples who look happy and we may wish to have that same companion in our lives. But do we know the personal sacrifice it takes to maintain and keep them? Do we know what it takes to maintain a healthy, lasting relationship?
Do we have to be better people to want better people in our lives? Or can we remain underdeveloped and demand a developed person in our lives?

If we are not willing to endure everything it takes to get the things we desire, and if we don’t want to endure everything it takes to keep the things we desire, then do we really want it?
Sacrifice- Destruction of Something In Turn For Something Else
If we want better lives, better relationships, better jobs, better friends or whatever it is that we want, we may have to give up something.
And by giving up something we may feel like we're suffering...
More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. Romans 5:3-4

We may have to give up something that we’re attached to that may be stopping us from getting what we want.


We do get back what we dish out. Whether we give out goodness or evil to others, it comes back to us.

It took a long time for me to admit that I had to make an attitude adjustment. I used to look at everyone else as the problem but never myself as the main ingredient. In turn, If I want to go high in life, I have to be dedicated to develop into a better person overall.

What if someone had to teach and guide us on how to be better? Would we allow someone to help us, if they knew where to take us?
Did these people just wake up in "green pastures"or did they accept help? 
Did they get help from trainers, family or friends, who challenged and helped to build them?
Are we humble enough to accept guidance? Do we know who can give us right guidance? 
It'll be nice to consider these things the next time we compare ourselves to others whose shoes we'd like to be in.