Friday, August 14, 2015

Single & Selfish- How Can I Expect Justice From Others, When I'm so Unjust to Myself?

A close friend told me that I am not ready for marriage because I am selfish.

How could she say that about me? Everyone says that I am a nice person. 

But if I am such a nice person, how come my past relationships didn’t last?
Yes we had great moments, but during the "not-so-great" moments, how did I stand the rain??
I'm gonna have to deal with these type of moments, because the relationship is not all about the good times like we think.

Did I have a bad attitude?
So how come my relationships didn't last?

I have to point the finger at someone else, because It would be too responsible for me to look at myself in the mirror, so the first person I blamed was my mother.

Is it because I grew up in a single parent home? Is it because I was the only child? Is it because my mother gave me just about anything I wanted? Is it because I didn’t get punished when I deserved it?


How about the guy? I can’t let him off the hook. He didn’t know a good woman if he had one. He was a user. He didn’t know how to be respectful, He was a loser…


I love the blame game, because I never have to look inside myself. It feels good to blame other people and to never look at myself.


The things I said about my past could be true, but it’s not fair and it’s not right for me to blame others and to never look at myself, now that I am a grown woman who is able to make some changes. This is not my mothers fault, and this is not my exes fault, I have to take responsibility.


When my friend told me I was selfish, I totally disagreed with her and I was really offended.  How can I be selfish when I do all I can to help people when they need me? I am always there for people, People call me nice. How can a nice person be selfish?


After I got off my soapbox about myself, the light came on! My problem is staring me in the face!
I think that I have it all together and that no one can tell me anything negative about myself.


That is the act of a selfish person.


That is the act of a vain person.

Vain: Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities or worth.


Yep, that can be me and not even know it. That's the worst... to be so blind to yourself that you only wanna hear positive things about yourself but not the things you need to improve.

If I think too highly of myself, then nothing, not even good guidance can enter my mind, because I think know It all.
I will not be willing to talk to people who doesn't "think like me"

If I think I know it all, I will not be humble enough to listen to anyone.

I may talk “at” people instead of talking “with” people..


I will not be able to listen, when people are communicating with me because I will be too busy thinking of my response when they are talking.


I will not be able to be corrected...


I will never allow God’s word to transform me. I would rather hold on to the old me, than to “be ye transformed” by the renewing of my mind


And dealing with a black man who is obviously not valued in our society, every chance I get, I will tear him down. If I see a weakness in him, I will use it as a weapon and as an advantage over him. I will not try to help him but I will help tear him down.
 If he tries to tell me what to do, I will quickly let him know his place.
I will not be able to control my emotions.
And those are the things that I have been guilty of.

Treat people the way you want to be treated. If people talked to me the way I talked to them, will I be pleased?

So not only will learning these things be good as I prepare for marriage one day, but in my everyday relationships, this principle can keep all of my relationships healthy and strong. But I have to stop making excuses and take responsibility for myself to be a better, moral person.

 How can I expect justice from others, when I am so unjust to myself??

Thank God for honest friends!